StyleCrafter: Enhancing Stylized Text-to-Video Generation with Style Adapter

1Tsinghua University,  2Tencent AI Lab,  3CUHK

TL;DR: We propose StyleCrafter, a generic method that enhances pre-trained T2V models with style control, supporting Style-Guided Text-to-Image Generation and Style-Guided Text-to-Video Generation.

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Text-to-video (T2V) models have shown remarkable capabilities in generating diverse videos. However, they struggle to produce user-desired stylized videos due to (i) text's inherent clumsiness in expressing specific styles and (ii) the generally degraded style fidelity. To address these challenges, we introduce StyleCrafter, a generic method that enhances pre-trained T2V models with a style control adapter, enabling video generation in any style by providing a reference image. Considering the scarcity of stylized video datasets, we propose to first train a style control adapter using style-rich image datasets, then transfer the learned stylization ability to video generation through a tailor-made finetuning paradigm. To promote content-style disentanglement, we remove style descriptions from the text prompt and extract style information solely from the reference image using a decoupling learning strategy. Additionally, we design a scale-adaptive fusion module to balance the influences of text-based content features and image-based style features, which helps generalization across various text and style combinations. styleCrafter efficiently generates high-quality stylized videos that align with the content of the texts and resemble the style of the reference images. Experiments demonstrate that our approach is more flexible and efficient than existing competitors.


We propose a method to equip pre-trained Text-to-Video (T2V) models with a style adapter, allowing for the generation of stylized videos based on both a text prompt and a style reference image. The overview diagram is illustrated as the following figure. In this framework, the textual description dictates the video content, while the style image governs the visual style, ensuring a disentangled control over the video generation process.

Given the limited availability of stylized videos, we employ a two-stage training strategy. Initially, we utilize an image dataset abundant in artistic styles to learn reference-based style modulation. Subsequently, adaptation finetuning on a mixed dataset of style images and realistic videos is conducted to improve the temporal quality of the generated videos.


Single Reference

Multiple Reference

Additional Extensions

Stylized Text-to-Image Generation

Depth Control

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